Hatorade Games™

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A lot of these videos are missing. They will return, once I finish the server transition.

Check it out, it's just like real life:

Just wait until the steel mystery episode and the doppleganger episode... I returned with fireballs this time:

Episode 3 at the bandit camp. I finally beat it. Download here or stream below:

Off to the Cloakwood (download episode 8 of the Enhanced Edition Trilogy Mod+++++ here), or stream below:

This one has backstabs that will TERRIFY your grandmother. It's like a full-length feature film. Are you kidding me, right now? It features Tarbal? Shut up and give me your money! Download from that link or stream below:

This one will make your skin crawl as it parallels real life in North America.

I'm beating a dead horse on this one, but this parallels real life too. Evil stalker-homos beware... :)

This one is outrageous. An evil bitch queen kills a child, and the bar scene gets out of control!

Who is behind the iron and steel shortage? I actually made this almost a week ago, but I didn't upload it until now, because I didn't want people knowing where I was headed [see end].

Here is a longy to hit a tetris -- it's four hours! It's way too long for my enemies to suffer through. Mhuahahahahaha...

Astral prison is down until the server migration is complete

The Werewolf Island video was lost, due to a game crash, but here is the clip of the fight with the Werewolf pack leader and a later encounter with Drizzt.

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